'THE DIRT' SPRING 2021 NEWSLETTER, March 22, 2021

”In April of 2020, the Columbia SWCD received funding through the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) for a small grant project on two properties along McNulty Creek in St. Helens. The goal of the project is to restore native vegetation to the riparian area translating into positive impacts for wildlife, water quality, and streambank stability. Streambanks along both properties had been taken over by noxious weeds (invasive, non-native plant species), including Himalayan blackberries, English ivy, English holly, Yellow archangel, Shiny geranium, Reed canary grass, and Italian arum. The displacement of native riparian plants by noxious weeds is a common problem throughout all watersheds in our County. The spread of noxious weeds to sensitive and important ecological areas such as streamsides pose a significant threat to local wildlife and the environment in general. Noxious weeds reduce biological diversity, crowd out native species that provide food and habitat for wildlife, destabilize streambanks, and diminish water quality. “…Newsletters